Giving Voice to the Korean American Community
Edward Yoo Pokropski will present his solo show Case 84: Adopted in the USA describing his return to Korea in 2015 at age 32 to discover his origins as a Korean adoptee. The show is a one-time appearance in Minneapolis, sponsored by AK Connection, an organization by and about adult Korean adoptees.
Case 84: Adopted in the USA uses comedy to explore how the media shapes many misconceptions about adoption. The show uses compelling visuals from pop culture and personal pictures from the artist’s trip to Korea. The content of the presentation is a journey through one adoptee’s life, from childhood to present day.
Prokropski is an executive producer of Asian Comedy Fest, the longest-running all-Asian comedy fest in the country. He is also an Emmy-nominated writer/producer at NBCUniversal.
Doors open at 2 p.m. Bryant Lake Bowl has a full menu, and food can be served in the theater.