The theme Rethinking What’s Possible describes a community looking toward the future as international adoption is approaching a 70-year mark, and Korean adoptee-led organizations have been an global influence on the adoption community for more than 35 years.. Sessions will discuss the grassroots community building, post-adoption services, and advocacy pioneered by adoptee voices.
In addition to fun activities, and newcomer welcome and orientation sessions for newcomers to Seoul, the conference will also feature the Sixth International Symposium on Adoption Studies (IKAS) at which adoption researchers will present recent findings.
The meeting will be held at COEX (now known as the Starfield COEX Mall), a shopping mall, and facility for exhibition halls and convention spaces in one location in Seoul’s Gangnam district. Events will be held at other local venues also.
Early registration is $260 for adults through May 14. See website for further housing and registration information.