By Bella Dalton-Fenkl
Space Bunny is a bilingual comic about a bunny who always wanted to explore the stars — but now that he’s out in space, living on a space colony, Mufftopia, full of alien bunnies, he’s more interested in finding new ways to be lazy and drink his favorite cola, Bulpsie! Featuring many quirky characters, including: Space Bunny, his sidekick (or is it side table?) Pinkan from the Pink Planet, their mad scientist boss Liam, and Space Bunny’s aspiring chef sister, Spice Bunny.


Space Bunny is a bilingual comic about a bunny who always wanted to explore the stars—but now that he’s out in space, living on a space colony, Mufftopia, full of alien bunnies, he’s more interested in finding new ways to be lazy and drink his favorite cola, Bulpsie! Featuring many quirky characters, including: Space Bunny, his sidekick (or is it side table?) Pinkan from the Pink Planet, their mad scientist boss Liam, and Space Bunny’s aspiring chef sister, Spice Bunny.
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